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Surpassing 2020 Sustainability Goals

Pilgrim’s Moy Park

To conserve environmental resources, optimize compliance and enhance credentials, Moy Park established seven environmental 2020 commitments based on 2010 baseline data, several of which have already been met. In addition to other key sustainability accomplishments, Moy Park surpassed its 2020 water use intensity reduction target of 20 percent in 2017, three years ahead of target.…

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Reducing Water and Energy

Pilgrim’s Moy Park

The Pilgrim’s Moy Park Dungannon team focused on environmental and process efficiency to reduce water use and thermal energy savings. The team installed a sub-metering system that allows for continuous water use monitoring in real time for all departments in the facility. In addition, commissioning valves were put in on large water use processes to…

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Improving Wastewater Treatment

JBS Australia

The JBS Australia production facility in Longford has invested in a new water supply treatment plant to improve the quality and efficiency of water used in the facility that was sourced from inland river systems. The resulting improvements have enabled Longford to implement water reductions by 10 percent—per day.

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Increasing Recycled Water Use

JBS Australia

The JBS Australia production facility in Dinmore has continued to focus on reducing facility reliance on potable water supply and has effectively sustained use of more than 1.2 megaliters (320,000 gallons)—or 30 percent—per day of its water consumption requirement from recycled water generated on site.

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Implementing New Ideas

Pilgrim’s USA

The Pilgrim’s USA team substantially reduced the use of chemical disinfectants in their hatcheries and replaced them by using technology that makes soap and disinfectant out of salt, water and electricity. In addition, the team has nearly eliminated the use of chemical insecticides in breeder houses through the use of small wasp larva that kill…

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Annual JBS USA Animal Welfare Training

JBS USA Pork and Beef

The JBS USA Pork and Beef animal welfare team, inclusive of corporate animal welfare managers, procurement, operations and humane handling departments at each of our hog and beef production facilities, hosted their annual animal welfare training conference at Fair Oaks Farms. The team heard from industry thought leaders, discussed best management practices, shared challenges and…

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Improved Animal Welfare Performance


The JBS USA Pork team had an impressive year related to improvement in animal welfare performance. In total, the JBS USA pork production facilities did not experience any line shut-downs from NOIE (Notice of Intended Enforcement Letter) or NOS (Notice of Suspension) and reduced non-compliances by 67 percent.

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Humane Euthanasia Program


In 2018, the JBS USA Pork animal welfare team developed a consistent captive bolt stunning program and standard operating procedures for all of our hog processing facilities. In the event that a hog arrives at our facility who is unable to walk to our stunning areas, it is our ethical obligation to euthanize that animal…

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Focused on Compliance with PQA+

JBS USA Live Pork

The JBS USA Live Pork team worked diligently in 2018 to implement multiple new animal welfare training programs and facilitate a huge push to increase PQA+ compliance. The efforts of these team members to drive improvements across the business resulted in the accomplishment of nearly all of Live Pork’s animal welfare training goals. JBS USA…

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Setting Welfare Commitments

Pilgrim’s Mexico

Pilgrim’s Mexico has a corporate commitment on the proper management and welfare of the chickens under their care. The commitment is signed by the general management and is based on current regulations, federal animal health law and the guides and animal welfare manuals established by SAGARPA (now SADER).

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