Greeley, CO, Beef Production Facility
Platte Valley Elementary School Literacy Night

In the fall of 2018, Platte Valley Elementary School hosted its annual Literacy Night, an informal learning opportunity for the students and families of the Kersey, CO, community. Located approximately 15 miles southeast of the JBS USA Greeley beef production facility, the town of Kersey and its School District serve a mostly agricultural population of more than 1,100 students in preschool through 12thgrade.
In 2013, our Greeley beef facility began helping to serve food at the annual Literacy Night, and now, six years later, the team continues to coordinate with the school to provide the food and volunteers for this important night. In 2018, nine Greeley team member volunteers set-up for the event, served the meal, and cleaned up after more than 450 dinners were provided in two hours.
On the night of the event, parents and students came to Platte Elementary and became captivated by activities for every member of the family. While parents were able to pick up flyers and information on how to help their kids choose the right book for independent reading, some students participated in the book exchange, and others learned about what happens when vinegar and baking soda are combined in the school’s science lab. All families were welcome to go to the cafeteria for a free hot meal, which included beef and cheese nachos topped with sour cream and jalapenos, dessert and a drink.