Pilgrim’s Moy Park
Marie Curie

In 2018, Pilgrim’s Moy Park launched a new charity partnership with Marie Curie, an organization dedicated to helping people and their families living with a terminal illness make the most of the time they have together by delivering expert care, emotional support, research and guidance. In addition offering information and support services both online and by phone, Marie Curie nurses and trained volunteers provide hands on care and practical support day and night in patients’ homes and at nine hospices across the U.K.
The Pilgrim’s Moy Park team has enthusiastically embraced this partnership with Marie Curie by getting involved and enjoying the activities and challenges at every opportunity. Each facility has been assigned a designated Charity Champion to coordinate fundraising events and activities. Since launching the partnership, the Pilgrim’s Moy Park team has held the Marie Curie Twilight Walk, Christmas Raffle, Family Fun Day and coffee mornings. In the months ahead, team members across the business plan to partake in many more events and work toward making a real difference in people’s lives.